Every year it is a struggle….. do we change the intro or keep it the same? And, if we do change it, what should it be? It has to be upbeat, encouraging, ear catching, and convey the right message. some years we don’t change it at all. Other, its just a no brainer. I was sitting in church this morning and this song was played. It just hit me like a ton of bricks. this is what its all about. Love God.. Love People. That’s what we are here for. That is what we do. So this will be our NEW intro Starting January 4, 2020! I hope you like it. – David Keener
20 years of Ministry and Radio update for 2019
Hello Friends!
Happy New Year! 2019 marks 20 years that Roxford Media Ministries has been reaching the World with the Gospel from Roxford Church. Back in 1999, we had a website…….. A VERY CRUDE WEBSITE that didn’t do much of anything. It looked like this:

WOW THAT IS HIDEOUS!!! But we had a dream. That dream was to reach as many people as we could. Over the years we tweaked things, added things like audio downloads of the services. Then we offered streaming LIVE audio of the service. By 2011, our website was starting to look pretty good!

Around this time we switched to live streaming video with one camera on our website. Today we have a 3 camera, live stream of services available on our website, Youtube, and Facebook each and every Sunday. Podcast downloads of every Sunday service, and the weekly podcast radio programs. Its amazing to think about where we started, and where we are today! To GOD be the Glory, Great things HE HAS DONE!
We just completed our first year of strictly online podcast format radio programs and all i can say is WOW!! I am blown away by the response!

Above you can see the numbers, our downloads were well over 1000 per quarter except for the fourth quarter! considering people are extremely busy around the holidays, we can’t complain much about 760+ downloads! Over 5700 downloads for the year! A third of those coming from the web player on our website at roxfordchurch.org. Listeners from eleven countries around the globe!

So what does all of this tell us? quite simply, people are listening! A lot of them! And we are so thankful for each and every person who takes time out of their day to listen to our programs. This being the first year of doing this online, we couldnt be happier! We are not stopping here!
What’s new for 2019?
Now that we are a strictly “online only” platform, we have quite a bit of flexibility. We also have a lot of different avenues we can take to spread the gospel, and we want to use as many as possible. That being said, some tweaks have been made to our ministry format for 2019.
Instead of a daily “Pastors Thought – God Moment” release in podcast format, Pastor Heasley will be releasing one single WEEKLY God Moment on Podcast. This will be released each Wednesday morning. However, Pastor will continue to publish a daily God moment thought on our Facebook page every day! This will give us greater reach to our Facebook friends who may not have the time, or the ability to listen online daily. If you are not currently following our Facebook page, this would be a great time to start!
Our 30 minute Program will continue to be broadcast. However, we will be shifting the release date to Saturday mornings instead of Sunday. We feel this will give more people a chance to tune in, and hear what will be going on before church on Sunday. I don’t know about anyone else, but my Sunday mornings are busy enough that I certainly don’t have time to catch the program before church! I’m guessing many feel the same way. Hopefully this shift will help reach more people who need a more flexible schedule.
If you are currently subscribed to our podcasts, you don’t need to change a single thing. the programs will continue to be available for you exactly how they have been previously, just on different days. if you are not subscribed to our podcast, now is a perfect time to start! simply go to roxfordradio.org and you will see all of the places where you can listen. Also at the top of the page is a button for a listener survey. We want to hear from you. We offer this as a way to honor God and spread the Gospel, but we want it to be a blessing to you, our listeners. Take that survey and send us your thoughts. Tell us what you like, what you dont like, what you would like to see changed, etc. Since we are exclusively online, nothing is set in stone. Anything and everything can be changed however we see fit. So please let us know your thoughts.
Thanks for a wonderful 2018 and here is to an even better 2019!!
In His Service
David Keener
Chairman Roxford Media Ministries
July Radio Update
We find ourselves at the end of July and the numbers continue to blow me away every time I look. In the last 90 days, over 1800 people have listened to or downloaded our daily radio programs! June being our biggest month yet with almost 1000 downloads! The total lifetime number of downloads is over 3700 since January!!! We’ve had listeners from the USA (of course), Ireland, Mexico, Canada, Zambia, Spain, England, South Africa, Spain!!! It’s incredible! All of this has been done with virtually ZERO budget! Just a little bit of time and effort. We serve a mighty God!
We don’t share this to “toot our own horn.” It’s not about “us.” it’s about HIM and what He is doing thru this little ministry. This is a global reach that we never had on regular FM Radio. Even the podcast of the Sunday morning worship service has seen over 300 downloads in the last 90 days! That’s incredible! We are thankful for what God is doing and believe people are being changed by the Word!
In His Service
David Keener
Chairman – Roxford Media Ministries
To God be the Glory!
We have been broadcasting our radio programs online exclusively for just a little over 90 days. Today we looked at the numbers are they are nothing short of miraculous! 1,200 downloads in the last 90 days!
We can’t thank you enough for following us online and being a part of this old, but new ministry! When we started this in December 2017, we really had no idea what kind of reach, if any, we would have. but so far we have been sought over 1,200 times from 3 different nations in the world. Three might not sound like many, but we’ve only been on for 3 months and we only hoped to reach folks in our area! My God is more than enough! He’s TOO MUCH!!
An announcement regarding our radio programs
We regret to inform you, that after almost 50 years, WBTC has decided to end our relationship and terminate our radio programs. Please know, we were prepared for such a situation, and our radio programs WILL CONTINUE, uninterrupted, online at Roxfordradio.org. Stay tuned to our radio broadcasts and our Facebook pages for further updates. We are looking forward to 2018 and the opportunities God has given us to reach Tuscarawas County and beyond with the gospel using the latest and greatest in technology!
A time change to the radio programs
For those who might be wondering “Where did the Roxford Daily Radio Devotional go on WBTC?” Please know that WBTC has changed ownership and formats.
With this format change has come a “shuffling of the deck” if you will. Our daily devotional has moved to 5:55AM Monday thru Saturday. We are told there will be NO CHANGE to the Sunday radio program at 8:30AM.
We apologize for any inconvenince this may cause. The decision was made by WBTC management and sometimes these things happen with ownership changes. This is part of the reason we started releasing the radio programs in podcast form several months ago. so you can download and listen at your convenience.
Thank you for your understanding
David Keener
Chairman – Roxford Media Ministries